Tuesday, October 30, 2007

In Honor of Halloween!

In honor of Halloween, we need a little ghost story I think. What better ghost story than one that you are actually experiencing. We have recently moved into a house we purchased in foreclosure. There are few details I am able to find about the house before we acquired it. So background history is a little difficult to come up with. However, the fact is something has happened here that definitely left an impression.

Our first night in this house left little doubt in our minds that we are not the only occupants. There is nothing like having someone or something staring at you in bed from your hallway. Every hair on your body stands on end. Our hallway seems to be a key place for our guest or guests. Even the bathroom there will make you come out of your skin. Especially, when you look over to the door and find yourself staring at a black dog guarding it. We, however, don't have a black dog.

Creepy, well not as creepy as waking up in the middle of the night to find a black shadow standing over your bed. We have started closing the hallway door at night but they seem to think that is not a deterrent to just coming right on in. Although, it does seem to help that whole being "watched" feeling. Waking almost every night between 11:30 and 12:00 gets old but you just deal with it.

One afternoon while washing the dishes I had the distinct impression my husband had quietly come into the kitchen to give me a kiss. So I turned to plant one on him as he ran his hand across my lower back. Imagine my surprise when I turned to find no one there.

You walk through the house minding your own business putting away laundry and boom. As you come by the bedroom closet you get the dog laying there. Or is he there at all? Nope not our dog, she is sleeping in the living room. New people come into the house and the electricity in the hallway energizes again, as if they bring some threat with them.

The adventures have quieted as we have continued living here. We have learned the bedroom door has to be shut to have a peaceful nights sleep. You learn to ignore things moving in the corner of your eye. You learn to ignore your hair standing on end when you walk through different spots in the house. Or that incredibly cold spot building at your back as you fold laundry. That special feeling of being watched just becomes second nature and soon you dismiss it also.

So with my true ghost story I wish you all a ghostly Halloween!

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